SPB > Non classifié(e) > SPB CELEBRATES TREE DAY 2020

As it has been a tradition in recent years, SPB has wanted to anticipate the celebration of the 2020 Tree Day that is celebrated on March, 21st.

A group of volunteers from the company, along with their families, has participated in a tree planting activity in a plot of land in Alborache, a few kilometres from the company's headquarters in Valencia.

Volunteers planted 25 holm oaks, 35 pines and 20 lentisks on a morning of environmental volunteering organized by the Center for Environmental Education and Rural Tourism, Actio. An opportunity to help the future of our planet.

Trees absorb CO2, one of the main causes of global warming, the greenhouse effect and climate change. Help minimize the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere contributing to the future of our planet and our lives.

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